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BRP 陨石口罩援助

BRP 陨石口罩援助
它是由涂有陨石粉末的聚酯纤维制成的, 它经过专门设计,可与口罩结合使用,以提供针对细菌和病毒的额外保护。 这陨石是130年前发现的,自1960年以来一直进行深入研究。
在形成的过程 这种陨石需要很高的温度, 被称为“高能”催化氧化。
泉水流经陨石层,可以治疗皮肤疾病。 这种陨石是导电材料的绝佳形式。许多发现表明它具有吸收电磁场和相互作用的能力。
这种陨石的独特特征有许多有用的 特征:
1. 吸附 - 从水中吸收各种物质的能力。
2. 空气净化 - 清除有害物质和各种有机物。
3. 土壤净化 - 分解吸附有机物的能力
4. 撤药过程没有发现任何衍生物质的痕迹,一切都分解为基本颗粒。

BRP 陨石口罩援助

Fullerenes were discovered in 1985 by Robert Curl and Richard Smalley. Together with Harold Kroto, they synthesized these three-dimensional forms of carbon while trying to simulate the high-temperature, high-pressure conditions necessary for the formation of stars. About a billionth of a meter in diameter, fullerenes are incredibly stable. When propelled against a steel surface at 17,000 miles per hour, they literally bounce off. Clusters of fullerenes join diamonds and graphite as the third known form of crystalline carbon. A fullerene is an allotrope of carbon whose molecule consists of carbon atoms connected by single and double bonds so as to form a closed or partially closed mesh, with fused rings of five to seven atoms. The molecule may be a hollow sphere, ellipsoid, tube, or many other shapes and sizes. Our meteorite is a unique combination of carbon and silicate minerals found in an ancient deposit. Its uniqueness stems from the presence of hollow molecular carbon cages known as fullerenes embedded within the rock.
Fullerene is used as an anti-aging and anti-damage agent in the cosmetic sector. Fullerenes are used as antiviral agents. This use is provided by its unique molecular structure, antioxidant effect and biological compatibility. Fullerenes resonate in the far-infrared spectrum with all forms of living matter. They are thought to be connected with the generation of life. Science magazine named fullerenes “molecule of the year,” calling them “the discovery most likely to shape the course of scientific research in the years ahead.” Scientists everywhere are researching fullerenes for their technological applications in material science, electronics, and nanotechnology. Their discovery won them the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1996.
The natural existence of fullerenes remained unclear until they were verified and since discovered in meteorites and in outer space.
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